

Official member of the “Iranian Graphic Designers Association” (IGDS)

Member of the “virtual lighting design community” (VLDC)

Attendance in Chaumont France graphic festival exhibition . Chaumont, France 2017

Attendance in “Golden Bee” Russia graphic festival exhibition . Moscow, Russia 2017

Attendance in Iranian Graphic Designers “30 Minus” the new generation exhibition . Iran 2014

Winner of the “Al Burda” festival in the typography section . Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2021

Winner of the “Al Burda” festival in the typography section . Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2024

Attendance in the Biannual of Iranian graphics (Silver Cypress) . Iran 2018

Chosen of in the font design festival . Mashhad, Iran 2019

Attendance in “Picture of The Year” festival . Iran 2016

Appreciation in “Dal Graphic” festival in two parts . Iran 2016

Attendance in the “99 Poster” exhibition . Zanjan, Iran 2015

Get a position honorable mention in the “Kioskedia” international award in the lighting design section 2023


Winner of 7th, 8th and 9th calligraphy competitions . Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2015, 2016, 2017

Winner of 5th prize in “Burda’s World” competition of calligraphy in Mohaqaq style of calligraphy . Dubai 2017

The degree of honorary doctorate from the IGCC (German Art Academy) 2018

Certificate of first degree in classic arts that same as the doctorate in art, from “lran’s Ministry of Culture & Art” 2013

Certificate from the “Fakultas Seni Rupa University” . Jakarta, Indonesia 2008

Certificate of the “Ankara’s National Art Museum” . Ankara, Turkey 2009